Our Protestant tradition has long emphasized God’s graciousness over rule following as the key to salvation. And our Congregational tradition has long emphasized our collective conscious as the key to discerning God’s desire for our lives and for the world.
This is all well and good, but there is still a place for rules! Or, as scripture calls it, God’s law. But if God is gracious and forgiving, and our collective conscious is our best compass, that what role do rules like “keep the Sabbath” have for us in our lives today?
We’ll see if we can’t figure it out in worship on Sunday.
Also, on Sunday morning we will begin a new Adult Education group: Let Your Life Speak. We will meet in the Parlor before worship at 8:45 to begin learning about the Examen, a simple practice of regular prayer and reflection about where you have been each day, and where God has been for you. I hope that many of you can plan to join us for this opportunity. Our conversations are always enriched by the unique perspectives we each bring to our faith.
Please also hold our Senior High Youth group in prayer this weekend as a group of 10, along with their leaders Matt Lewellyn and Meg Matthews will be heading on a retreat to Cape Cod. We hope, and expect, that this time will be nourishing, faith-filled, and fun!