Our Minister of Music, Dr. Matthew Larson, believes in the importance of making as wide a range of music available as possible in order to best serve the congregation. Several facets make up the music program at First Congregational Church. We invite you to experience our musical offerings in whatever capacity you wish—on our YouTube channel, in the pews, or in the choir loft on a Sunday. All are most welcome.

The Choir

The core of the Music Ministry is the choir, a dedicated group currently comprised of 17 members.

The Choir meets Thursday nights from 7:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. and on Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m. from mid-September to mid-May.

The Choir sings exclusively a cappella, and presents a wide range of musical styles spanning 500 years of musical composition. The majority of the works presented are in English. The Choir sings in worship each Sunday providing the “Musical Call to Worship” at the opening of the service, “Word through Music” before the sermon, “Communion Music” on the first Sunday of each month, and music during special events. The members of the Choir are devoted to making music, and enjoy the fellowship that comes with that artistic fulfillment.


Augmenting the Choir is the second component of the Music Program—our professional soloists. These highly trained and award-winning singers not only help out in rehearsals by providing strong vocal and musical leadership in their sections, but also provide solos, duets, and trios each week in worship.

Piano and Organ

Rounding out the Music Ministry are our two amazing instruments—an early-20th century Aeolian Skinner tracker pipe organ, and a 1912 Mason and Hamlin model “A” grand piano. These instruments are very rare—the piano was the make and model of choice for pianist/composers Sergei Rachmaninoff and Maurice Ravel, and the organ is “visited” nearly every year by organists and scholars from around the globe who are traveling through Boston. These instruments are both played every Sunday.