By: Matt Lewellyn
This past weekend Meg Matthews and I had the honor of spending time with seven amazing young people from our congregation. Olivia Kelly, Hannah Solomon, Aidan Braithwaite, Jeremie Carpenter, Sam Coover, Alyssa Foster, and Emmett Kibbee (pictured from left to right) spent the weekend in Centerville, MA at the Craigville Retreat Center exploring who they are as children of God, disciples of Jesus, and the calling these identities have on their lives.
Through feasting on smores around a campfire, meditative walks on the beach, rich discussion of God’s lavish love for creation, and much too late caffeine intake these youth drew closer to one another and to the Holy. Before leaving the Cape they expressed an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for this time and the need to carry the practice of rest and retreat into their busy schedules. As I left with them, I meditated on the same thought. May we lift up these youth and all of the youth of our church in prayer and conversation as we continue to seek God’s face in all things.